Simple Certificate Generator

Make certificates with minimal effort.

Easily generate certificates with a few lines of Javascript.


Add the script to your html

<script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


1. Add a canvas element with an id in your html

<canvas id="certificate" width="1920" height="1080"></canvas>

2. Create a CertificateRenderer instance.

const myCertificateRenderer = new CertificateRenderer({
      canvasId: "certificate", // id of your canvas
      heading: "Certificate of Participation",
      "This is to certify that this student has participated in this event. This student has successfully completed this thing
      that he/she was supposed to complete. This student was successful in doing so. This is to certify that this student has
      participated in this event. This student has successfully completed this thing that he/she was supposed to complete.
      This student was successful in doing so.",
      recipientName: "John Doe",
      "This is to certify that this student has participated in this event. This student has successfully completed this thing
      that he/she was supposed to complete. This student was successful in doing so. This is to certify that this student has
      participated in this event. This student has successfully completed this thing that he/she was supposed to complete.
      This student was successful in doing so.",
      signature: "Full Name",
      post: "CEO, The World",

3. Call the renderCertificate function.


CertificateRenderer Options

Option type description limits
canvasId string id of your canvas element. -
heading string Heading of the certificate. max length 33 characters
beforeName string Text that appears before the name of the recipient. max length 99 characters
recipientName string Name of the recipient of the certificate. max length 80 characters
afterName string Text that appears after the name of the recipient. max length 188 characters
signature string Text that should appear as the signature. max length 50 characters
post string Text that should appear below the signature. max length 160 characters
imgUrl string URL of the background image. -
fonts object Object for different font options. -
fonts.heading string URL to font file for the heading. -
fonts.main string URL to font file for the body. -
fonts.recipient string URL to font file for the recipient name. -
fonts.signature string URL to font file for the signature. -
